A possible retreat from goodreads ... though I'm tempted to yell "get off my lawn" at this site's tumblresque-ness. Yes, that's totally a word.
Ok, this is unfortunately turning out to be the exact opposite of the first book: the first half of The Darwin Elevator was boring but it picked up and was pretty action-packed in the second half. The Exodus Towers was crazy in the beginning and now ... I kind of just want it to be over. Sure, there's weird stuff going on and there seems to be a new revelation every chapter or two, plus I was reading super fast and late last night: but I felt like a hamster in a wheel with each page I turned: going nowhere like mad.
The good thing is: only 20% left! Here's hoping it ends with me wanting to read the next one right after. It would be weird to start a trilogy and only read two books when the third is loaded and ready to go ...
By now many of us has seen the screen cap of Dawid (CEO of Booklikes) responding on the STGRB site. It was a quick and friendly reply to answer a question posed in their article (see screen cap of full article here). So does this mean he supports them? Of course not, so I think we can all turn down the alarm bells for a moment.
The STGRB wants us to believe Booklikes is on their side, but I refuse to believe it based on one post over there. Especially when it addresses an email from Rick Carufel, a known troll himself.
This is really such a long book ... but it's the type that makes me happy in spite of it being so. I just want more and more and more of the story. Love the simultaneous narratives going on in different parts of the world with different characters. Seems they'll meet up soon too. And an old character thought lost just returned. Really, really enjoying this, no matter how long it takes me to finish!
It's been a while since I've read a book with a (possible) love triangle between two women and a man. I like Ana better though ...
Oh ho ho ... Look who got a certain someone to come back to book blogging?
(Damn it ... Now I probably have to read an omnibus. FML.)
I just noticed the awesome bookmarklet (this could've been there all along, but it just now stuck out to me.)
Go to: http://booklikes.com/shelf and above your shelves in Shelf View you'll see a Shelve It! button at the top left. Click on it and drag it to your toolbar and then you can add books straight from an Amazon or Book Depository page.
(Totally didn't plan the Sailor Moon shelf ... but the covers are so pretty!)
I like to add my specific version that I own, so this is going to be super helpful.
543/6260 books imported...
Stolen from Rose ... but updated with my own stats -__-
Kind of unsure as to how to review this one. It was really dark and heavy in some places, but also seemed like it was written for middle readers in others. I'll have to think on this one a bit more.
Absolutely fantastic.
Though, holy spoilers, Batman.
I suppose you have to expect that with such a long running series, but honestly this doesn't keep me from wanting to read the previous stories any bit even though I know what's going to happen now. Plus, I kind of knew bits and pieces from the movies, the animated series, and the video games already so I can't really complain that much.
I really love all of the women in this universe, though Catwoman will always be my favorite. I've loved her since Batman: Returns and when I found I could play as her in Arkham City I couldn't preorder that game fast enough. I'm also curious about The Huntress now, she seems like a really interesting character and one that I'm not at all familiar with. Though a quick look at Wikipedia (warning, don't go there if you don't want spoilers) shows that she was the main character of Birds of Prey, a show on the WB that I vaguely remember. Huh. I'll have to see what comics I can find at my library that have her in them.
Batman will always be my favorite comic hero. I think it's because he doesn't actually have any super powers that I love him so much (it also didn't help that I thought he was pretty *ahem* sexy in the '90s cartoon ...) I will forever hear Batman as Kevin Conroy.
I think it's difficult to please fans of any of the long running series, but this graphic novel is pretty much a fan's dream come true. Some might say they mashed too much into the story, too many characters and such, but I think it all really worked to show just how much Batman and Bruce Wayne have been battling over the years.
If you're a Batman fan, this story really shouldn't be missed.