It might be difficult to tell from the page count, but this is actually a graphic novel. I took this with me to the gym today, I've been going to the gym regularly for the first time in my life to try to correct some injuries instead of succumbing to surgery and I wanted to try to read while exercising. So I thought I'd bring something easy that didn't require a lot of concentration since they play music in the gym and I normally can't read if I hear music with words, but there was just enough ambient noise for me to block it out. I actually rode one of the bikes and was sitting in the front row where people walk past and I probably couldn't have chosen a more children's-looking book. Heh, whatever! I finished the whole thing AND kept my heart rate in the 130s the whole time. So, there./random anecdoteWhat made me sad though, was coming home and reading the negative reviews. Note: don't even BOTHER with Amazon if you're looking for, lack of a different term, better opinions. Just ... don't.You might be wondering why the negative reviews made me sad though, since I myself gave this 2 stars. Well, go read the top 1 star review here. I'll wait.Yeah.So.I gave this book 2 stars because I thought it was "just ok." Here was my thought process while reading it: "Oh, this is fun, it's reminding me of my time in drama, huh, well, the side love stories are kind of blah and I want to read more about the musical and set design and everything, oh, I totally saw that 'twist' coming, well, this book was ok but I wish it was longer and I wanted more character development and less emphasis on any sort of romance."NEVER, did I ONCE think, "Oh my god this is so inappropriate! How could this have an age rating of 10 and up?! This should have a warning label! Parents should know about the deviant sexual behavior this contains! Ugh, I was totally mislead and this was just wrong on so many levels."Never, did anything of the sort cross my mind. Tell me, oh people who gave this 1 star because two boys kissed and one wore a dress to save the show because the lead girl was having hysterics and the understudy was nowhere to be found, tell me, if this story was about a boy and a GIRL would you say it shouldn't be on library shelves where kids could see a picture of them kissing? Would it need a warning label then? Should it be banned because there would be, horror of horrors, heterosexual activity in it?Actually, DON'T tell me. I have no desire to hear your opinion whatsoever since I already know the answer.I gave this 2 stars because I thought the romance made the main story weaker and I didn't particularly care for the lead character. I had no idea what this book was about besides the drama (as in, musical "drama") aspect and I wanted so much more of that and then was disappointed that it was more about a boy-crazy girl than anything else. It also contained a lot of cliches as well, even the much lauded end things at the school dance cliche.If you're going to read this book, I hope you rate it because you liked (or disliked) the story and not because it contains "the gay." Well look, now you've been warned. If gay people bother you and you don't want your kids to read about them, don't give them this book. There, you're welcome, I just did your parenting for you.Seriously, with that being said, to all of the parents that handed this book over to their kids and then got "fired up" because they didn't realize this book has gay kids in it; shame on you. Shame on you for not paying attention to what your kids are reading, shame on you for being so disgustingly close-minded and bigoted, and shame on you for teaching your children those same disgustingly close-minded and bigoted views.