This series took me completely by surprise. I liked the first book but didn't
love it, but there was just enough creativity with the world, the magic, and its characters for me to want to give the second book a chance. And after that I grabbed the novella. And then I devoured the third book. Then finally I made a mad dash for this one, because SHIT WAS GETTIN' REAL as everything was coming to its badass conclusion. As you can imagine, I was shocked and delighted that each book only got better and better as I went along, and importantly; the story kept getting more cohesive.
The final book of this series came together beautifully and I was really happy with the way everything ended.I almost never read a series's books back-to-back, yet I read all 4.5 books in one week. I can't remember the last time I did that, all in a row, but I just had to find out what would happen in the next book with each subsequent ending.
The beauty about finding this one now is that they're all out and finished. So many series don't know when to wrap things up that this four book series really made me appreciate those that do. So if you're hungry for a new adult urban fantasy series, definitely check this out;
it's unique, all of the characters are well-thought out and developed, and the magic system and world Bennett has created are really one of a kind.