love Bob's Burgers, but although this graphic novel was funny it wasn't like reading a new episode of the show. It's formatted so every issue starts with "Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction Presents," then we get Bob's "Burger of the Day Ideas," "Louise's Unsolved Mysteries and Curious Curiosities," "Letters from Linda," and finally "Gene Belcher Presents" closes things out. It's an interesting format, and the kids' portions are the most satisfying so it was a good idea to space them out.
Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction was my absolute favorite part of each issue. I mean, come on:

Each story of hers features horse, butts, Jimmy Jr., and various fan-fiction tropes used hilariously. They're marvelous.
I didn't really care for Linda's or Bob's parts, although they're only a page so it's not like I had to slog through them. The raccoons from one of Linda's letters showing up later in a different story were hilarious though.
Louise is my favorite character, for obvious reasons.

Her and Gene's stories were kind of all over the place though. Louise's stories would've benefited more by having an issue all to herself. They're the most like the show out of the five sections. And I understand that Gene likes music but I didn't like how his parts were all told in song and rhyme. It got annoying after a while. I would've liked it if he just had normal stories since the other two kids' were so over-the-top.
If you're a fan of the show I think you'll like this book. I'm not so sure about non-fans or people who've never seen the show though. I think I enjoyed this graphic novel more because I could hear each character's voice while I read so if you're not familiar with this family you might get the same level of enjoyment that I did.
This ARC was provided by NetGalley.