The Holy Terror

A possible retreat from goodreads ... though I'm tempted to yell "get off my lawn" at this site's tumblresque-ness. Yes, that's totally a word.

Burnout - Iñaki Miranda, Rebecca Donner Hate to sound snarky, but I can see why the Minx imprint was canceled. And it's not fair, because an imprint like Minx deserves a chance, it's just whomever was picking the titles didn't pick anything exciting. They're like Lifetime movies, almost, but not even THAT much fun.Boring characters, boring story, nothing new or interesting, nothing really happened, nothing really resolved, just blah all around.The art was nice though, I'll try to keep an eye out for whatever the artist comes out with next. ETA: Ooh, it looks like the artist has been drawing for some of the Fables books, like [b:Fables, Vol. 15: Rose Red|8601702|Fables, Vol. 15 Rose Red|Bill Willingham||13471639] and [b:Fairest: Hidden Kingdom|17137611|Fairest Hidden Kingdom (Fairest, #2)|Lauren Beukes||23539651]. That's exciting to see and really interesting since those two covers seriously catch my eye every time they pop up. The Fairest book reminds me of something from the Renaissance era; it's really strikingly beautiful. Glad he continues to work and I'll be happy to see how his art has progressed.

Currently reading

The Girl at Midnight
Melissa Grey
The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
Jeanne Birdsall