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Number of books:
Reading Challenge 2025
Read (1272)
Planning to read (5956)
Currently reading (2)
On Order (0)
Probably Shouldn't Read (0)
Unread-Sold (0)
Will Never Read (200)
Wishlist-Imports (0)
Wishlist-Manga (302)
Favorite (46)
Wishlist (959)
Reviewed (325)
1st-in-series (350)
2010 (87)
2011 (82)
2012 (54)
2013 (158)
2014 (42)
2015 (35)
abandoned (4)
abandoned-author (12)
abandoned-series (20)
addicts (2)
adult (123)
adventure (7)
africa (4)
alaska (3)
aliens (36)
angel (27)
angels (107)
animals (34)
anthologies (88)
aquaman (1)
arc (59)
art (15)
art-books (25)
asia (183)
asian-authors (134)
asian-characters (249)
asian-culture (15)
asian-history (14)
asian-literature (58)
assassins (9)
audiobooks (16)
australia (6)
australian-authors (14)
auto-add-author (1)
award-winner (16)
awful-worldbuilding (3)
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based-on-reviews (32)
batgirl (4)
batman (10)
batwoman (2)
bdsm (7)
biography (1)
blogging (5)
bored (12)
borrowed (217)
bought-01-10 (9)
bought-01-11 (5)
bought-01-12 (5)
bought-01-13 (3)
bought-01-15 (1)
bought-02-10 (11)
bought-02-11 (5)
bought-02-12 (3)
bought-02-13 (4)
bought-02-15 (1)
bought-03-10 (26)
bought-03-11 (6)
bought-03-12 (4)
bought-03-13 (10)
bought-03-14 (24)
bought-04-10 (19)
bought-04-11 (16)
bought-04-12 (3)
bought-04-13 (8)
bought-04-15 (1)
bought-05-10 (18)
bought-05-11 (9)
bought-05-12 (1)
bought-05-13 (10)
bought-06-10 (5)
bought-06-11 (7)
bought-06-12 (3)
bought-06-13 (1)
bought-07-11 (8)
bought-07-12 (7)
bought-07-13 (1)
bought-08-10 (3)
bought-08-11 (16)
bought-08-12 (3)
bought-08-13 (6)
bought-09-10 (10)
bought-09-11 (29)
bought-09-12 (2)
bought-10-10 (5)
bought-10-11 (14)
bought-10-12 (13)
bought-10-13 (2)
bought-11-10 (40)
bought-11-11 (5)
bought-11-12 (11)
bought-11-14 (1)
bought-12-10 (5)
bought-12-11 (4)
bought-12-12 (1)
bought-12-13 (1)
bought-12-14 (40)
buddy-reads (5)
buddy-reads-2012 (13)
buffy (76)
buy-at-abebooks (12)
buy-at-amazon (9)
buy-at-kinokuniya (16)
buy-at-yes-asia (8)
buy-hard-copy (63)
buy-used (29)
california (24)
canada (6)
catwoman (2)
celebrity-chefs (3)
challenge-2013 (12)
challenge-genre-classics (22)
challenge-non-fiction (15)
challenge-series-stacker (1)
check (152)
check-out (569)
chick-lit (15)
childrens (349)
china (25)
chinese-authors (13)
chinese-characters (25)
chinese-history (1)
christian (1)
christmas (37)
chubster (300)
cinderella (1)
circus (9)
classics (63)
closeouts (13)
color-black (358)
color-blue (528)
color-brown (171)
color-green (268)
color-grey (178)
color-orange (222)
color-pink (117)
color-purple (184)
color-red (393)
color-white (171)
color-yellow (231)
come-back-to-sooner (1)
comics (7)
coming-of-age (5)
contemporary (9)
contemporary-romance (27)
cookbooks (50)
cover-fraud (2)
cover-love (9)
cowboys (11)
cozy-mystery (22)
crafts (12)
crime (8)
cyberpunk (4)
cyborgs-or-robots (1)
dark-fantasy (53)
dark-horse (8)
dc comics (1)
del-rey (3)
demons (142)
desserts (6)
detroit (10)
did-not-love-previous-book (6)
disney-fairies (11)
disturbing (11)
dragons (85)
druids (7)
due-back (6)
dumb-female-characters (20)
dumb-male-characters (6)
dystopia (93)
ebook (1078)
ecchi (18)
egyptian (3)
elves (18)
epic-fantasy (87)
erotic-fantasy (18)
erotica (65)
essays (1)
exercise (1)
fairies (169)
fairy-tales (79)
fan-books (1)
fantasy (938)
favorite-authors (16)
favorite-books (52)
favorite-boys (16)
favorite-comics (2)
favorite-girls (11)
favorite-series (11)
fiction (123)
find-in-japan (3)
first-reads (2)
folklore (3)
food-writing (44)
forgot-to-drink-the-kool-aid (44)
france (1)
free (47)
funny (13)
future-manga (1)
future-releases (108)
futuristic (6)
gargoyles (7)
germany (3)
ghosts (87)
glbt (2)
goblins (7)
gods (32)
good-but-will-never-reread (10)
graphic-novels (275)
hate-this-series (24)
hated-this-book (40)
hawaii (2)
health (33)
healthy (2)
high-fantasy (2)
hispanic-characters (41)
historical (376)
historical-erotica (10)
historical-fantasy (47)
historical-fiction (150)
historical-mystery (14)
historical-paranormal (18)
historical-paranormal-romance (57)
historical-romance (130)
historical-romantic-fantasy (16)
history (10)
horror (207)
humor (12)
i-see-dead-people (11)
immortals (14)
incorporeal-sexytimes (6)
insta-love (1)
interracial (15)
ireland (4)
italy (4)
japan (112)
japanese-authors (77)
japanese-characters (64)
japanese-culture (30)
japanese-edition (21)
japanese-history (32)
japanese-manga (122)
japanese-reference (29)
jewelry (3)
joker (2)
josei (8)
juicing (2)
kodansha (3)
korea (50)
korean-authors (38)
korean-characters (46)
korean-culture (7)
korean-history (11)
korean-reference (6)
language (38)
las-vegas (2)
later (183)
latest (416)
light-novel (21)
liked-the-villain-more (1)
loved-the-previous-book (7)
m-m (1)
made-me-angry (4)
made-me-cry (24)
made-me-laugh (14)
magic (93)
magical-realism (17)
mahou-shoujo (10)
male-author (567)
male-protagonist (343)
manga (1719)
manga-to-keep (28)
manga-to-sell (319)
manhwa (70)
mean-girls (1)
medieval (2)
memoirs (40)
mermaids (20)
michigan (12)
middle-grade (292)
military (6)
mixed-reviews (7)
montana (1)
month-of-april (8)
month-of-august (6)
month-of-february (4)
month-of-january (5)
month-of-july (8)
month-of-june (6)
month-of-march (11)
month-of-may (13)
month-of-november (15)
month-of-october (19)
month-of-september (8)
ms (88)
my-little-pony (6)
mystery (175)
mythology (29)
native-americans (7)
necromancers (7)
needs-a-new-name (65)
needs-review (50)
neverland (18)
new-york (11)
next-trip (30)
next-up (95)
next-up-2 (23)
next-up-adult (38)
next-up-fantasy (9)
next-up-free (1)
next-up-gns (3)
next-up-historical (14)
next-up-kids (5)
next-up-manga (4)
next-up-non-fiction (15)
next-up-pnr (5)
next-up-random (6)
next-up-romance (3)
next-up-scifi (3)
next-up-short-stories (1)
next-up-uf (9)
next-up-ya (18)
ninja (1)
non-fiction (180)
not-in-the-mood (36)
omnibus (2)
on-hold (68)
on-order (6)
oregon (1)
outsiders (3)
owned (1352)
owned-manga (509)
paleo (2)
paranormal (198)
paranormal-chick-lit (24)
paranormal-erotica (29)
paranormal-mystery (8)
paranormal-romance (706)
paris (1)
part-of-omnibus (1)
photography (3)
picture-book (4)
pirates (12)
popular-books-i-should-read-someday (17)
post-apocalyptic (37)
pregnancy (6)
prequel (1)
pretty-covers (1)
probably-shouldn-t-read (80)
quick-or-easy (3)
realistic-fiction (88)
reapers (21)
reference (156)
regency (26)
retellings (44)
robots (1)
romance (74)
romantic-fantasy (93)
romantic-suspense (27)
russia (2)
sample (2)
samurai (18)
school-books (62)
science-fiction (250)
science-fiction-romance (16)
scotland (7)
seattle (2)
second-chances (13)
seinen (14)
self-published-or-indie (38)
selkies (1)
serial-killers (10)
seven-seas (3)
sexy-science-fiction (41)
sexy-urban-fantasy (19)
sheet-music (9)
shifters (128)
short-stories (84)
shoujo (51)
shounen (54)
slice-of-life (21)
slow-cooking (1)
snow-white (4)
sociology (1)
sold (385)
sold-unread (2)
sooner (39)
sorcerers (18)
sounds-awful (16)
southern (8)
space-opera (10)
spammer (2)
special-powers (54)
spies (5)
stand-alone (113)
steampunk (64)
strategy-guides (24)
strips (299)
summer (2)
superheroes (17)
superman (2)
supportive (69)
surprised-i-didn-t-hate-it (24)
suspense (25)
swaps (60)
sweet-and-charming (2)
takes-a-bad-turn-so-don-t-start (5)
terrible-writing (29)
texas (1)
think-about (20)
think-of-something-new (151)
time-travel (15)
to-sell (9)
tokyopop (45)
top-5-on-listopia (1)
travel (2)
travel-writing (1)
trilogies (124)
trolls (2)
tropicalpineapple (2)
tudor (1)
tudor (1)
tv-shows (10)
unicorns (1)
unnatural-character-progression (1)
unpopular (12)
unread-sold 2 (323)
urban-fantasy (524)
vacation-reads (4)
vampires (615)
vegetables (1)
vertical (1)
victorian (16)
video-games (19)
vietnam (1)
viz (196)
wait-for-next-book (1)
wait-for-pb (11)
washington (4)
waste-of-time (18)
web-design (3)
wendy-said (9)
wendy-said-no (1)
werewolves (137)
western (18)
what-am-i-getting-myself-into (51)
where-is-the-next-book (8)
will-continue (2)
will-never-read (21)
will-never-read 2 (200)
wisconsin (1)
wish-i-could-give-less-than-1-star (8)
wish-i-never-read (14)
wishlist-imports 2 (62)
wishlist-manga 2 (906)
witches (110)
with-lucy (11)
wizards (46)
woefully-behind (223)
women-hating-women (2)
wonder-woman (1)
wonderland (7)
wtf-is-wrong-with-me (46)
x-men (2)
yaoi (2)
yen-press (16)
you-disappointed-me (3)
young-adult (986)
ywf-of-2012 (50)
zombies (52)
Unshelved (212)